
The happiness of an organization is in proportion to the health of its employees. Health is the essential basis of the world’s happiness. Younsan Metal operates various health promotion programs such as gymnastics, meditation, and health education. It secures places where its employees can exercise and allow them to train their physical strength during their working hours.


Younsan Metal’s corporate philosophy is “the employees’ growth leads to the company’s growth.” It encourages its employees to set their vision and goal and support them to achieve their goal every year.


Younsan Metal supports book purchase and gives its employees the time to read the books about three times for them to improve their consciousness and freely exchange their opinions. They improve their consciousness by setting daily topics, leaving “thank you” notes, and sharing them with others.


Younsan Metal pursues a horizontal organizational culture rather than a vertical one. It calls its employees Mr./Ms. OOO to show respect toward everyone and create an environment that allows them to communicate well with each other and improve their work efficiency.


Younsan Metal promotes QSS through its motto: “system maintenance and improvement are the keys to corporate competitiveness.” Its employees actively join QSS activities by removing unnecessary consumption to enhance their productivity and reduce costs, as well as exchange ideas among them that lead to improvement.